I’ll be upfront that I read that book before, so I used this change to reread it and see how I feel about it one more time.
I’ve read it closely after Deep Work and I think that if you though DW was good - an idea worth pursuing, then Digital Minimalism felt like a book that repeats a lot of similar concepts.
I think the issue I had was that Cal spents a lot of time in the book convincing you that his idea makes sense. But for me, coming from Deep Work, I was already convinced! So a lot of it felt unnecessary. To be upfront, if I read it first, I might digest it differently A lot of the ideas from the book I implemented after Deep Work already.
I liked the main point of the book, that is digital apps (social etc) are not bad, but you need to understand that they are engineerd to attract your attention as much as possible and you need to figure out what you need from them in order to not be overwhelmend.
My interesting takeaways:
- randomized reward gives you a bigger dopamine kick than predictable reward ( that’s for my social app ofc )
- if you need Facebook groups, open the group pages directly, skipping the main feed
- social media can make us happy but they take away your time from offline interactions that are more valuable
- digital declutter (chapter 3) - the break is important for you to realize do you really need the app. Taking small steps will obfuscate your needs. Also the chapter has a lot of nice examples how people dealt with it
“Doing nothing is overrated” - hah, I loved that one. Sitting and doing nothin drags you towards low-reward activities
- last but not least - learn welding
Welp. Much longer message than I expected.